Web Bubblers

Web bubbler features…

Easy and fun to make enormous clumps of big bubbles.

Suitable for indoor shows.

Available in hand-braided cotton or cotton/bamboo yarn, and in any color combo or pattern you like, even within the braids.

Cotton yarn color options

Cotton/bamboo yarn color options

Also available in colorful diamond braid cotton cord.

Leaders are 6 inches (15cm) unless otherwise specified. They’re a continuation of the top-string for hand-braided styles, or polyester paracord for diamond braid cotton styles.

Featuring Glowby’s signature workmanship.

Hex center “Thommy” bubblers

Hex-center design inspired by Thommy Porsch.


You can choose different color schemes for the top-string, bottom-string, hex center, and spokes; and mix colors within the braids.

48″ (122cm) top $160
56″ (142cm) top $200
64″ (163cm) top $240

Also available in colored diamond braid cotton cord. Contact me for pricing.

Butterfly web bubblers

Top-string is 56″ (142cm). Height is approximately 38″ (97cm).


You can choose different color schemes for the top-string, bottom-string, center spine, and ribs; and mix colors within the braids..

48″ (122cm) top $150
56″ (142cm) top $190

Also available in colored diamond braid cotton cord. Contact me for pricing.

Boobler web bubblers

Two 6-cell web bubblers with 48″ (122cm) top-strings and a swiveling center connection.

Great for breast cancer awareness events.

Available in diamond braid cotton cord only.

You can choose different colors for the top-strings, bottom-strings, upper Ms, and lower inverted Vs.

Pricing $200

From Glowby’s workshop

Web bubblers with mixed color braiding

Web bubblers with mixed color braiding

Detail of the top of the hexagon of a Thommy bubbler